Album Pada Suatu Ketika

Blak blakan


Tak Jiwiti tak slentiki saking gemesku
Kowe panggah nora ngaku
Nganti derijiku ‘ki keju
Nganti ting pliwek kukuku
Ngonceki pakartimu kuwi
Kowe kok yo njur kebacut

Blokosuto, dibiso blokosuto
Dimen lestantun paidonganing lyan
Blokosuto, dibiso blokosuto
Sudanen supatane sanggyo kurban

Tangeh lamun biso kowe
Ngoncati wohing pakarti
Ngonceki pakartimu kuwi
Kowe kok yo njur kebacut


Be Transparent
– to all leaders
Out of annoyance I pinch and snap (you)
Still you refuse to admit
till my fingers are weary
Till my nails are peeled off

Peeling your bad character
You are indeed too much
Be transparent be transparent
So that the good prayer of people last

Be transparent, be transparent
So that the good prayer of people last
Be transparent, be transparent
So that less people cursed

impossible that you can
Bun away from your nature
Upon unfolding your nature
You are indeed too much

Pemusik kata-kata/Words musician Muriah Budiarti
Gitar, bass & keyboard 1 : Buce Bada
Keyboad 2 : Rudy Wanandar
Gendang/Drum: Kadar Sumarsono
Bonang: Bujel Dipuro
Pemusik katakata latar/Backing words musician
Sony, Waluyo, Sugeng, Puji, Joko Mbilung, Mulyono