Album Pada Suatu Ketika

The Sound of Orang Asyik


Wong bejo nora koyo awak dewe
Digadang-gadang karo wong tuwo
Dinomo-domo Ing sabendinane
Sabendino tansah pitungkasan
Lan kinamulan esthining tyas
Tan kendat anggone ngukir jiwo
Sih lumintuning donga wong tuwo
Rino wengi tansah anyenyuwun
Madep manteb tan kendo

Doremifasollasidonga kang satuhu
Midosoldolafarelakok wus bejane

Wong bejo nora koyo awak dewe ,
Disengkuyung sanggyo pro konco
Bareng makaryo tur saeko proyo
Bares Ing samubarang petungan
Sasolahe tan mesthi bathine
Kang baku nora ngurbanke iyan
siningkiran Ing reh dengki srei
Ndondomi dodoting abrebayan

Golong jiwo nyawuji
Jirolupatmonempijiwaning bebrayan
Lujimojinempatropatrap kang mangkono

wong bejo nora koyo awak dewe
Pikantuk dalane jejodohan
Dalan kang nora mulus lir dalan tol
Nanging ugo dudu dalan kang rungkut
Dudu dalan kang nistho arane
Dalane margo kang dilakoni
Romo ibu yo amung tut wuri
Mimi mintuno kang disesuwun
Madep manteb tan kendo
Doremifasollasidonga kang satuhu
Midosoldolafarela kok wus bejane

The Sound of Orang Asyik
No one is as lucky as us
Showered with our parents’ affection
Highly expected day by day
Brought up and educated day by day
Wrapped in the warmth of sincere heart
incessantly carved in life
The flow of prayer from (our) parents
Flowing day and night
More steady and never let loose
Doremifasollasido the true prayer
Midosoldolafarela how very lucky
No one is as lucky as us
Supported by friends
working shoulder to shoulder
Honest in matters of mutual gains

Though not all cooperation is commercial
As long not at the expense of others
Avoid alt grudge and Jealousy
Mending each torn piece of the cloth of togetherness
Jirolupatmonempijiwa Living together
Lujimojinempatro that’s the way it is

No one is as lucky as us
Granted the path of love
Though not as smooth as the highway
But also not filled with bush
No contemptible path
Merely all paths tread
(our) parents only pray from behind
Praying for a Iife in harmony
More steady and never let loose
Doremihsoltasido the true Prayer
Midosoldolafarela how very lucky

Pemusik kata-kata Words musician : Sujiwo Tejo
Flute : Bujel Dipuro
Keyboard:  Buce Baria, Rudy Wanandar
Pemusik katakata latar/Backing words musician: Sony, Waluyo, Sugeng, Puji, Joko Mbilung, Mulyono